Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fun for Young and Old

I am just finishing my first semester at George Wythe University through the distance studies program. This blog (and my bro-in-law ; ) has helped me to remember EVEN during finals week to have fun with my children. Playdough is a favorite you can always fall back on. I love this Kool-Aid playdough recipe because it is fun to make AND play with (and it smells good too)! Here's what you need:

Kool-Aid Playdough Recipe

3 cups flour, divided
1/2 cup salt
2 pkg. Kool-Aid
2 cups boiling water
3 tbsp. oil

Add 2 1/2 cups flour, salt and Kool-Aid in a big bowl and mix well. Pour in boiling water and 3 tbsp oil.** Stir and then knead in extra 1/2 cup flour (or more until no longer sticky). Store in ziploc for weeks.

**This is my favorite step because it LOOKS like just white flour until you add the water...

and presto, like magic, it turns the color of the Kool-Aid!

It's fun to try different flavors! Today my kids chose grape but cherry is probably my favorite. Remember to play WITH them for a little while and then be prepared to enjoy some quiet moments all to yourself because it keeps them busy for hours!

Playdough is fun for the young...

...and the old...
Now back to the research paper!!

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