Monday, April 27, 2009

The Creation Circle

At our book group the other night we read part of The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life along with As a Man Thinketh (Dover Empower Your Life Series). Wow! We had an incredible discussion. Becky W. shared this beautiful exercise that she does with her girls everyday that she calls the creation circle. It sounds powerful and inspiring. Thanks for sharing Becky!

"The creation circle is so simple and fun. Basically I have the girls each draw an imaginary circle on the floor. Then they think about what it is they want and pretend as though they are putting it into the circle. Usually I have them focus on just one thing. Most of the time they choose a toy, which is fine, whatever gets THEM excited, but there are days when I try to gravitate their minds to 'higher' things. So I'll have them focus on something they want to learn or an act of service that they'd like to do for someone (etc..). When they are done, I point out that their circle is their own special place where they get to 'FEEL' what it's like to actually have those things (I really build this up and get them excited). As soon as they sit down, they close their eyes and begin imagining. I noticed it helps to talk them through it. For instance, right now my 5-year wants a tree house. So when she's in her circle I ask her questions like....'How big is the tree? What does your tree house look like? What does it feel like to play in it?'

I do my vision circle at the same time and the girls LOVE to hear what it is that I'm creating. I really like this because it is a powerful teaching moment. I use this opportunity to share goals that are important to me, or better yet, how important THEY are to me. The other day I told them that I was 'creating' myself to be a good mom so that they would always know how much I loved them. Then I asked them for their ideas to help me be better. It turned into a wonderful discussion and I learned a lot about what my children needed from me (things I would have never thought of). When creation time is over, we stay in our circle and repeat our affirmations together.

Before we started doing affirmations I explained what they were and why they are amazing. I got my children really excited about them and we made a list of what they thought was important. Of course, I helped guide them through it, but felt it was essential that THEY considered themselves the authors of what they wanted to become. I knew it would be much more powerful for them that way. This is the list of what 'they' came up with....

- I am a child of God with infinite worth
- I am happy and help others to be happy
- I am safe and always taken care of
- I am healthy and strong
- I am full of purpose
- I am full of joy and beauty
- I am smart and love to learn
- I can do anything I set my mind to
- I love and accept myself!

We repeat these again, right before they go to bed. Also, I've given them each an affirmation note book so they can them down."

1 comment:

  1. This is a comment from my friend Amy K.:
    I LOVE the affirmations idea. I plan to implement it into our nightly routine. I am a cheer coach for 22 3 and 4 year olds and my goal is to inspire them to "bring cheer to others", help new kids feel welcome at school, help others, be thankful, etc. NOT just shake their pom-poms, although that really gets them excited! My mission is self-esteem for all girls! I have been working on an affirmations "I am beautiful inside and out, I can do anything without a doubt!" This blog really gave me some inspiration! THANKS!
