Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I feel like I am in a mess! I'm not talking about my house being any messier than usual, just my life. I am in the process of implementing new ideas and fine tuning old ones. I should look at it as if I were cleaning out a closet...it always gets messier before you see the floor.

Here's what I'm changing or trying to:

*First I posted about schedules. That post was really pretend. I have only had one day since then that I actually followed it close enough to my liking. I'm still refining that one. The day we actually had "blanket time"--I LOVED it! I could actually read a book and I learned how to knit (well started to anyway...my daughter was reading over my shoulder just now and gave me a questioning look ; ). That is a definite keeper. I'm finding it all comes down to my self-discipline which is quite frankly gestating right now.

*I started to be a little Lazy copycat. I have implemented her morning and evening cards and I'm LOVING them. The cards help me teach the little ones what they need to learn to do by themselves and provide an accountability for the older ones who are perfecting these skills. Like everything new thing I begin there is a learning curve. It took us a week to get the routine down. I'm working on consequences to encourage prompt action.

*I am maintaining the two closets I have gutted out and organized--my master bedroom closet and the homeschool closet. Upkeep is far easier than my signature Zorro way of cleaning.

*I don't think I've mentioned quite enough lately how LEMI (Leadership Education Mentoring Institute) has enhanced and improved my life. The latest is Tiffany and Aneladee's conference call on "The 5 Levels of Communication". Can I say WOW!? I listened to it for the first time last year but this time I heard it. They outline five levels that we navigate when communicating with others. The fifth level is where our needs and the needs of our loved ones and/or those we mentor are met. Getting to the fifth level takes trust, humility, stillness and LISTENING. Let's just say I am working out a muscle somewhere deep in my ear that hasn't been used near as much as it should.

*I'm also loving and taking care of plants in my basement. It is so exciting for the kids and probably mostly for me to see them sprout and watch them grow. Positively healing after the snow we received last night! With my past gardening history I am concerned for their welfare. Will they survive? Will they help me to be a more careful and diligent gardener since I've known them since birth? I will keep you posted on their fate.

These are a few of the concepts and ideas I'm wrestling with. I'm beginning to see that this whole process is really LIFE. Life is messy and we are blessed enough to see a glimpse of godly order here and there and strive for that. I am a fighter and will always strive for order...it's my Zorro way : )

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